Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Dragon Reborn by: Robert Jordan: A Royal Conspiracy (Chapters 45 to 47)


““No, Great Master.  He has vanished.  But, Great Master, one of the girls is Morgase’s nit.”  Mat half turned, then caught himself.  The soldiers were coming closer; they did not appear to have seen his start through the thick woven rose stems.  Move, you fools! Get by so I can see who this man bloody is!  He had lost some of the conversatiton. “—has been far too impatient since regaining his freedom…See that she dies quickly, Comar.  Let her death attract no notice at all…Those slatterns in their Towerwill have a difficult time producing her aftetr this disappearance.  This may all be just as well.  Let it be done quickly.  Quickly before he has time to take her himself.”” – The Dragon Reborn, p. 534-535.


I think it’s here where Mat became one of my favorite characters.  To this point his plotline in The Dragon Reborn has gone a long way to rehabilitate him due to giving him an actual motivation and a definitive decision is made by Mat for who he is.  Throughout The Dragon Reborn he has gone on about how he will be free of Aes Sedai, the White Tower, and the machinations of the pattern.  But in attempting to deliver Elayne’s letter to her mother he comes across Lord Gaebril, Morgase’s newest advisor and confidant, and the above quote happens.  Okay in the book it’s quite a bit longer, but paired down it reveals that this Gaebril is conspiring to have Elayne killed, placing distrust in the White Tower, and push Morgase towards a political marriage to grab power for himself.  It’s clear at this point that Gaebril is a Darkfriend and one of the Forsaken, though which one remains to be seen.  In terms of Mat’s character development once he is back at the Queen’s Blessing Inn, the same inn from The Eye of the World in a case of conservation of characters and locations that I honestly forgot about as Basal Gill is one of those Wheel of Time side characters who really leave an impression but only when the text mentions them, Mat declares this “I mean to be as far toward tear as I can before nightfall.” – The Dragon Reborn, p. 550.  Mat Cauthon may be many things.  He is a gambler, a rogue, and a man who just wants to get back to his life before leaving his village, but he isn’t going to stand by and let his friends die.


There’s also the sequence inside the castle itself, something Mat only manages to do by climbing over the wall into the garden Rand fell into and the way he carries himself in the court is fascinating.  He’s a character who has false bravado, finding the right words to say to the right people to get an audience with the queen herself.  Gaebril clearly has some power over Morgase that certain members of court are not taken with.  Tallanvor, the lieutenant of the guard, in particular is not taken with him and is perhaps the kindest to Mat in his own stern way which is very important for what is to come.  Morgase, however, is not some damsel needing to be rescued.  She tells Mat, who calls himself Thom Grinwell here to keep his actual identity a secret as Gaebril’s master is after either him or Rand, “A young man who has left his small village often finds it difficult to return to it.  I think you will travel far before you see Comefry again.  Perhaps you will even return to Tar Valon.  If you do, and you see my daughter, tell her that what is said in anger is often repented.  I will not remove her from the White Tower before time.  Tell her that I often think of my own time there, and mis the quiet talks with Sheriam in her study.  Tell her that I said that, Thom Grinwell.” – The Dragon Reborn, p. 541.  This is especially puzzling for a number of reasons.  First, it implies that Morgase sees through Mat’s ruse, possibly understanding more about who he is than anyone else.  This is not impossible as both names of the pseudonym used refer to Else Grinwell, who was sent to the Tower and it is possible Morgase has heard of her through Aes Sedai messages, and Thom Merrilin, who has a clear connection with House Trakand and Caemlyn itself.  This as a theory is one that doesn’t entirely hold water and relies on coincidences and happenstance we never get an answer to.  There is the message she has for Elayne, Sheriam being the Mistress of Novices would be in charge of punishing Elayne for leaving, but the wording is odd.  As Morgase spent time in the Tower what message she is trying to convey here is odd, possibly coded towards something that we don’t really get an answer to.  Finally, it is another example of the political shift in The Wheel of Time as our main characters are becoming embroiled in conspiracies of various natures, this one dealing with royalty.  Where this goes is for another time, as next time we head to Tear and one piece of calm before The Dragon Reborn ends.

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