
Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Natural History of Fear by: Jim Mortimore directed by: Gary Russell: An Orwellian Nightmare

Transcript of the official court case of Reviewer 1013152, who is accused of expressing an opinion on infotainment The Natural History of Fear staring Paul “The Doctor” McGann, with India “Charley” Fisher and Conrad “C’rizz” Westmass, property of scribe Jim Mortimore and cameraman Gary Russell.  Originally aired on channel BFP in February 2004.
Court presided by the honorable Conscience.  Reviewer 1013152 opted out of an appointed attorney.  Attorney 711825 acted as prosecutor in this case.  The jury was one hundred men bribed by Attorney 711825 in according with the proper procedure.  Any action has been typed in italics.
Bailiff: All rise for the honorable Conscience.  All Rise.
Conscience: I now call this court to order on the case of Reviewer 1013152.  Recite creed.  Productivity through Happiness, Happiness through acceptance.  All sit.  All sit.  I call on Attorney 711825 to read the accusation.
Attorney 711825: Gladly your honor.  Reviewer 1013152 you stand accused of committing the gravest crime in our society, expression of a dissenting opinion on 126 accounts.  Expression of dissenting opinions is a grave matter.  Independent thought leads to unproductivity, unproductivity leads to unhappiness, unhappiness leads to disorder, disorder leads to chaos.  Conviction of leading men to chaos is execution.  How do you plead?
Reviewer 1013152: Innocent on all accusations.  There is nothing unlawful of opinions.
Attorney 711825: Your honor this man just committed another dissenting opinion which will lead to even more chaos.  Do we need to hear any defense?
Conscience: Attorney he will be accused of another opinion in another case.  This trial is for the opinions expressed on 05/15/16 on Infotainment code BFM54.  Please read his first opinion on that Infotainment and we will give him a chance to explain himself.
Attorney 711825: He claims and I quote “The plot is a real return to form exploring themes of Orwelian horrors as everything is recorded, censored and released to the public that makes up for the previous release being way too boring.  While yes the story could be done in a traditional universe the storytelling style keeps in with the theme that time does not exist much more than the previous release in the range did”
Reviewer 1013152: Objection, your honor this is often regarded as public opinion and there was no dissenting.
Conscience: Overruled, Attorney continue.
Attorney 711825:  You went on to say “The performance given by Paul McGann is one of total intrigue as he is allowed to play a different character which may as well be more interesting than the Doctor.  The same goes for India Fisher and Conrad Westmass.  Westmass especially gives as sense of uncertainty as we don’t know who C’rizz is after his introduction giving you the question if he can actually be trusted”
Reviewer 1013152: But did I not go on to say that it works as a preparation to get some intrigue back into the roles for the continuing Divergent Universe Arc?  That the many plot twists allow their true characters to shine through?
Attorney 711825: Objection he is interrupting me.
Conscience: Sustained, Reviewer another outburst and we will go straight to judgment.  Attorney, continue please
Attorney 711825:  You also mentioned, and I quote “the fact that the author also had a hand in the music of the story makes the setting really come to life as you can feel this city is an oppressive civilization.  The direction is one of Gary Russell’s best after the last release felt like he wasn’t really giving it his all.”  We rest our case
Conscience: Reviewer if you would refute the Attorney.
Reviewer 1013152: Gladly your honor.  You say that I said I disagreed with popular opinion on the direction and acting, but that was not for this instance, it was for the previous instance in which I was found innocent.  I was with popular opinion that this is one of the cast’s strongest performances, one of the best scripts to ever come out of the company with some of the best direction and music.  The added bonus of the music suite at the end was a great treat and I just can’t help but shout for joy every time I see the flashback sequence.  The story is an emotional thrill ride from start to finish and if that is wrong sir than I deserve to die.
Conscience: Any other defence?
Reviewer 1013152: I rest my case sir.
Conscience: Than I beg you jurors to please retire to your room and come to your decision.  Court will be adjourned until a verdict is reached.  Dismissed.
A break of three hours passes before recess ended.
Bailiff: All rise for the honorable Conscience. All rise.
Conscience: All sit.  Ladies and gentlemen we are here to end the case of Reviewer 1013152.  The jury has reached their verdict.  Head Juror please pronounce verdict.
Head Juror: Your honor, Attorney, Reviewer, I think that the verdict is very clear.  For his expression of enjoyment of the plot, characters, direction and music, with a vote of 100/100 for, we pronounce, Reviewer 101 guilty of having a dissenting opinion on The Natural History of Fear.
Conscience: Reviewer for expression of an opinion not matching the one of your Conscience you will be sent for execution forthwith.  Security will take you away to a cell where you will fill out the necessary paperwork and the transcript of this session will be posted as an example to quell any unrest.  I now call this court adjourned.

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